participating universities


The International Research Training Group Development and Application of Intelligent Detectors at the Universities of Bergen, Heidelberg, Mannheim and Oslo aims at developing and applying state-of-the-art detection systems for particle, nuclear and space physics that integrate modern information technologies as key features.

beetle readout chip (LHCb, CERN)
On both sides many major experiments in high energy elementary particle and nuclear physics are actively pursued: ALICE, ATLAS, BABAR, CBM, CERES, FOPI, H1 and LHCb in Heidelberg/Mannheim as well as ALICE, ATLAS, BRAHMS, NA57 and space physics experiments INTEGRAL and POLAR in Bergen/Oslo.

Kirchhoff Institute of Physics
The International Research Training Group links the expertise that is available in Heidelberg (Physics Institute, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics), Mannheim (Institute of Computer Engineering), Bergen (Department of Physics and Technology) and Oslo (Department of Physics). A copious collaboration has already been established within the ALICE experiment for the joint design of the high level trigger. Further common research interests are expressed for one of the major future European research facilities: FAIR.

NEW !!! Seminar by Paul Seyfert
15th June 2012, 16:00 CET (s.t.)